During our 25-minute discovery call, we chat about your biggest struggles and goals and determine if we are a good fit to work together to achieve your nutrition, health and wellness goals.
If we’re not a good fit, I’ll refer you to another qualified practitioner who I feel might be more helpful to you based on your needs.
So - what have you got to lose, besides another day of feeling overwhelmed with what to eat and not getting to your health goals?
During our comprehensive first session together, we’ll review your medical history, your relationship with foods, and relevant lab work.
Your current health status didn’t happen overnight. This means we need to uncover the root causes of your current health struggles in order to set the stage for lasting changes. I use functional nutrition to help women like you feel empowered, to make good choices, without those fad diets. I give you the functional nutrition tools to make lasting change.
Do you feel super busy? I get it - that’s why I keep our follow up sessions short and sweet, but comprehensive. We continue the things that are working for you and adjust what is not, answer your questions, and set new goals to keep you moving forward. These sessions are also a good time to go over any labs that we run together and supplement protocols.
Katy S.
Taylor D.
Jill M.
Mallory M.
Angela L.
Jessica M.
Abby S.
Alisha G.
Priya S.
Let's get you feeling confident in your body, focused and symptom-free.